
5 Low-Impact Exercises to Relieve Back Pain During Workouts

Madi Hurley - recovr.com

June 26th, 2023


Incorporating low-impact exercises into your routine can help relieve back pain and allow you to continue working towards your fitness goals.

Back pain is a common issue that many people experience, especially during workouts. However, this doesn’t mean you have to give up on exercising altogether. In fact, incorporating low-impact exercises into your routine can help relieve back pain and allow you to continue working towards your fitness goals.

In this blog post, we will explore five effective low-impact exercises that can help alleviate back pain and make your workouts more comfortable and enjoyable.

Cat-Cow Stretch: The cat-cow stretch is a gentle exercise that promotes flexibility and mobility in the spine while relieving tension in the back. Start on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Slowly round your back towards the ceiling like a cat, and then drop your belly towards the ground while lifting your chest and head. Repeat this fluid motion for several repetitions, focusing on the stretch and release of your back muscles.

Bird Dog: The bird dog exercise strengthens the core muscles, stabilises the spine, and improves balance—all while putting minimal stress on the back. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Extend your right arm forward while simultaneously extending your left leg backward. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Hold for a few seconds, then switch sides. Perform several repetitions on each side, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout.

Glute Bridge: The glute bridge exercise targets the gluteal muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting the lower back. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Engage your glutes and lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your hips back down. Repeat for several repetitions, focusing on the activation of your glute muscles.

Standing Forward Fold: The standing forward fold is a gentle stretch that releases tension in the lower back and hamstrings. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Slowly bend forward from the hips, allowing your upper body to hang loose. Keep your knees slightly bent to protect your lower back. You can hold onto your elbows or let your arms dangle towards the ground. Breathe deeply and relax into the stretch, feeling the release in your back and hamstrings.

Swimming: Swimming is a fantastic low-impact exercise that provides a full-body workout while minimising stress on the back. The buoyancy of water reduces the pressure on your spine, making it an excellent option for those with back pain. Whether you choose to swim laps or participate in water aerobics, the gentle resistance and fluid movements of swimming can help strengthen your back muscles and alleviate discomfort.

Back pain doesn’t have to hinder your workout routine. By incorporating these five low-impact exercises into your workouts, you can effectively relieve back pain and continue progressing towards your fitness goals. Remember to listen to your body, start slowly, and gradually increase the intensity as your back becomes stronger and more resilient.

If you have chronic or severe back pain, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program. With consistency and proper form, you can overcome back pain and enjoy a more comfortable and rewarding fitness journey.

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